What is ABA?

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a scientific approach used to improve socially significant behaviors to a meaningful degree. By understanding the basic principles of behavior, we can teach new skills and increase behaviors that include communication, social skills, and functional living skills while decreasing maladaptive behaviors such as noncompliance, physical aggression, self-injury, and tantrum behaviors. Reinforcement strategies are used to motivate the child, and data is continuously collected to measure the child’s progress and to modify their individualized treatment plan.
Why choose Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) treatment for your child?

ABA is the single most effective treatment for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and the only treatment shown to lead to substantial, lasting improvements in the lives of children with autism. Over 1,000 peer-reviewed, scientific autism articles describe ABA successes, leading to the National Institute of Health and the Association for Science in Autism Treatment to endorse the method along with the U.S. Surgeon General.
Professionally Overseen
ABA treatment is overseen by Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA’s) that are governed by The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB)®. The BACB maintains ethical guidelines and best practices to which BCBA’s are held accountable. Therefore, all treatment programs developed and client programming must align with the BACB code of conduct.
Custom Treatment
All aspects of treatment are individualized and based on the child’s learning style and individualized treatment goals. Behavior Analysts create comprehensive individualized programming that addresses the client’s needs. The child’s family, caregivers & other professionals are treated as an integral part of their treatment plan.

Goal Focused
The treatment goals are designed to build upon the child’s base skills, capitalizing on the child’s strengths while recognizing their weaknesses. This approach allows the technician to teach difficult skills while maintaining an enriching and productive learning environment. The treatment program is a continuous evaluation of client preferences and use of reinforcement principles to keep learning fun.
Decades of Success
ABA is well recognized as a successful treatment option for families, and school districts in which there are many funding options available.
Reduction of Challenges
Treatment can be focused addressing specific behaviors and developmental deficits. ABA is set apart from other interventions since the behavioral prescription of hours is typically more intense. Intensive one-on-one ABA therapy is designed to capture as many successful learning opportunities as possible.